On Friday Mrs Tele’a Said “Don’t forget to bring your PE shirt on tuseday because we are going to do fun stuff”, But she didn’t tell us why they were doing this. When it came to the day i didn’t know what we were going to do. After resse our teachers told us to come inside and get changed into our pe gear. We did but it took me quite a while to get ready. But i'm going to skip all the stuff that the teachers talk to us about and move on to the fun stuff.
My group were boys i used to hang out Izac(The leader), Night, Jordan S and Dartanian that was absent on the day. But we still heaps of fun without. But anyway we first went to brain teazer our brainiac. With the teacher Mrs Fumatu the questions they gave us were really hard like.(Name and ancient invention, that people still use in these days that allows you to see through wall) and i was like easy it an x ray but i got it Incorrect. So i freaked out because we only had 10 seconds than i realized windows help you see through was and i was correct.
The next activity was the Photo Booth where we had to talk photos obviously but more important is that so we don’t get all shy and start giggling and no it was more about your looks don’t matter. Mrs tele’a walked over to us to take a photo and i think Izac could be a next top model. We had to take a happy, serious, crazy and creative photo and all i did was stand and only smile in one. But my group was really cool because when Jordan S put the tutu around his face he looked like a lizard that was about to strike on the serious photo. The Photo booth was taking by the beautiful Mrs Tele’a
After that was cookie as we all know you have to put the cookie on your forehead and try and get it into your mouth which was very very. challenging for me and because i didn’t like those so when i caught it in my mouth i pretend to eat it. But it suddenly went down my throat and i felt like i was going to vomit.But the game was very hard because you have to use the muscle in side your head like your eyebrows. But when our cookie would fall on the floor would have to keep doing it. But i didn’t care 10 second rule.
And last but not least was the pea pipe when you had to suck up peas(doesn't that sound weird to you) But anyway who cares about the name. It was just another cool game you had to suck a pea up with a straw and put it into a bowl which was very hard because the desk looked very far. But was actually very close it like i was running 2km but going nowhere as far as that. After 4 rounds of doing that i was very tired but i didn’t give up. After all of that very very hard stuff (to me) we finally came to the end of that very long long run. And we ended up coming second for the pea pipe game. Then it was time to pack up and go on our daily run.